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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Lähde – historiatieteellinen aikakauskirja ISSN 2489-6195

Instructions to authors


Editorial board recommends authors to pay attention to anonymity of the manuscript. The manuscript should not include references which enables to identify the author easily. No name or contact details should be included in the manuscript.

Here is some basic advises for authors

  1. Text starts from left without indention.
  2. Margins: top-above 2,5; left-right 2.
  3. Line spacing of the text and bibliography: 1,5; recommended font Times New Roman, 12pt.
  4. The article has to include heading and few subheadings.
  5. The author writes an abstract (200-300 words) and gives 4-6 key words.
  6. A short introduction of the author(s) including basic information (title, university, research interests etc) are send for printed publication.
  7. The maximum length of the article is 20 pages including the bibliography. The article is written in Finnish or in English. If the author liked to change language which the abstract was written, he/she should contact the editor-in-chief without delay.


  1. The text should be justified to both margins.
  2. Do not use page numbers.
  3. Italics is used:
  • Names of books, articles and series of publications
  • When using foreign-language terms
  • Quotations (including quotation marks)
  1. Short quotations can be included in the texts, longer (2-3 lines) should be indented (1,5) and italicized.

References, sources and literature

  1. Footnotes should be used. (Times New Roman 10 pt, line space 1)
  2. Literature references are marked as follows: Korpela 2015, 5. Different sources are divided by semicolon and authors by &-mark: Jouhki 2015, 7–8; Korpela 2015, 25; Katajala&Lähteenmäki 2012.
  3. Other sources are referred to with a consistent style so that the documents can be traced. In unclear situations, please contact to editor-in-chief.
  4. List of sources and bibliography are added to the end of the text. Archival materials (unprinted sources), printed sources, internet sources and literature should be separated. Bibliography is written as follows:

Anderson, Benedict 2006. Imagined Communities. Verso, London.

Bruner, Jerome 1991. Narrative construction of reality. Critical Inquiry, 18:1, 1–21.

Spencer, Jonathan 2003. Occidentalism in the East. The uses of the West in the politics and anthropology of South Asia. In: Carrier, James G. (ed.). Occidentalism: Images of the West. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 234–257.


  1. All graphics, like pictures and tables, should be sent as separate files (e.g. jpg). Any graphics should not be included in the text.
  2. The author takes care of copyrights.
  3. All graphics are marked on the article and numbered.

Other notes

  1. Lähde does not commit to publish articles that are much late from the deadlines or do not follow the guidelines.
  2. The author entitles the editorial board to edit manuscripts, also to shorten. The author also commits to make proposed corrections in given time.
  3. The articles will be published as an open access electronic journal. Self-archiving or re-publishing of the articles is not allowed until a-one-year embargo.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the editor-in-chief.

Article proposals/ CFP

Editorial board recommends authors to pay attention to anonymity of the abstract. The abstract should not include references which enables to identify the author easily. No name or contact details should be included in the abstract.

Proposals should take the form of a concise abstract of at most 600 words. The abstract should state the aims, data, methods, research questions or hypotheses and the link with the theme of the issue. Special attention should be paid to linking source materials, methods and research questions in a balanced and realistic way.

Additional information on the publication, writing instructions and previous issues is available on our web page 


A short introduction of the author(s) including basic information (title, university, research interests etc) are send for printed publication.

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